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Get to know the different groups the chaplaincy team has the privilege to work alongside! 

Chapel of the Resurrection (COR)

Members of COR partner with our team to support the SAJC students and staff in the whole year through different initiatives such as 'Adopt a J2 Class', where different cell groups or individual members volunteer to bless their adopted J2 classes through the year with written cards and small gifts.

The church also supports the chaplaincy team through hosting both Vision Night & Dedication Night, and joining in prayer during these events.

Praying Parents 

The Praying Parents are a group of parents of the current SAJC students, who come together on a weekly basis to pray together online for the school. They also have a quarterly onsite prayer meeting together with the chaplaincy team, and are involved in Vision Night & Dedication Night as well. 

St Andrews' Junior College (SAJC)

The leaders and teaching staff of SAJC partner with our team to help reach out to the students of SAJC through the different school-wide events, their respective PE lessons and CCA sessions. 

The Saints For Christ students also partner with us for various school events such as: SAJC Easter Week, Bridge of Faith, Principal Meets Christians (PMC), Dedication Night and Vision Night etc. The chaplaincy team helps and supports them closely for school initiatives such as Morning Worship as well. 

Good News Community Services

Good News Community Services is a non-profit, voluntary welfare organisation established to bless and serve the community. They co-labour with us to take care of the emotional and mental well-being of the students and staff of SAJC. 

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